Online Gaming

If any one thing has dominated popular culture for more than a decade it’s video games. Video games have been steadily evolving and rising in popularity since the Nintendo game systems were invented in the 1980’s. Since the introduction of the internet, video game playing has reached a whole other level with online gaming. You no longer had to buy pay an arm and a leg to buy a video game to play. You could download games on the internet and play them on your computer. As technology evolved, so did computer games. Eventually you could play video games live online with other players from across the globe.

Computer games are so widespread now that you can find free video games to play all over the internet.

How much data does online gaming use?

They are not just on your computer anymore either. You can play hundreds of modern computer games on your phone. A lot of the newest trends in computer games started as apps for smart phones. Many computer games have now been linked with social media where the most popular ones spread like wildfire. Playing games online has become so popular that almost every blockbuster film has a computer game to go with it. Online gaming has now become so popular that every smart phone owner has at least ten games on their phone.

One of the most popular and lucrative sections of online gaming is the world of online gambling.

Gambling online has done its own share of evolving. What was once a seedy operation that was always getting shut down has now become one of the most beloved internet past times. Some of the top gambling sites have set up impressive and realistic online casinos. Visitors can go and place their bets on games like Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and even Slot Machines.